This application is the best for learning speak Spanish from scratch.
Unlike the similar applications that just frasebooks, this app has everything for start speaking.
It covers about 400 most common words, it has dictionary and conjugation tables.
Full list of applications for learning Spanish, available on Spanish language page.
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Unlike the similar applications that just frasebooks, this app has everything for start speaking.
It covers about 400 most common words, it has dictionary and conjugation tables.
Full list of applications for learning Spanish, available on Spanish language page.
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Please, use Chrome browser. Some features like voice and voice recording may not work in other browsers.
Application features:
- covers 400 most common Spanish words;
- more than 600 phrases;
- built-in dictionary;
- built-in conjugation tables;
- high quality Spanish voices;
- app has two lighting modes: day and night.
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Articles below contain useful information:
Features of learning the language according to TravelAndChat method
How to learn Spanish verbs conjugation
11 DO NOT in learning spoken Spanish
Order of studying verbs conjugations in Spanish