Application for learning Spanish with jokes.
Jokes are ideal content for practicing speaking-listening in Spanish language.
They are funny, usually short dialogs, using common dictionary, easily memorizable.
If you are complete beginner it is recommended to start from
Basic Spanish Course.
You also can be interested in
Songs and
When you became familiar with above you can continue with Spanish
Full list of applications for learning Spanish, available on Spanish language page.
Open app in Chrome(!) browser
Please, use Chrome browser. Some features like voice and voice recording may not work in other browsers.
Application features:
- 50 Spanish jokes;
- with English translation;
- can listen to jokes spoken by high quality Spanish voice;
- every word from joke can be opened in built in dictionary;
- in rare case word is not in a dictionary, it is translated by Yandex Translate translator;
- user can record his voice and compare it to proper Spanish pronunciation;
- app has two lighting modes: day and night.
Useful articles:
How to congratulate in Spanish
How to agree or disagree in Spanish
Who? question in Spanish