Application for practicing Spanish with famous quotes.
Quotes (as well as Proverbs and Jokes) are ideal content for speaking practice.
They are short, meaningful, easy to memorize.
Below are list of famous people (philosophers, writers, fighters, politicians, scientists) whose famous quotes you can use for learning Spanish.
We put some of them first, just to ensure that you will not miss them. The rest are in alphabetical order.
Please, use Chrome browser. Some features like voice and voice recording may not work in other browsers.
Application features:
- famous quotes in both Spanish and English from more than 100 authors;
- can listen to quotes spoken by high quality Spanish voice;
- every word from quotes can be opened in built in dictionary;
- in rare case word is not in a dictionary, it is translated by Yandex Translate translator;
- user can record his voice and compare it to proper Spanish pronunciation;
- hands free mode - can listen to Spanish quotes with English translation and do home works;
- app has two lighting modes: day and night.
- Jesus Christ Open app
- William Shakespeare Open app
- Bernard Shaw Open app
- Mark Twain Open app
- Alexander Milne Open app
- Aristotle Open app
- Arthur Schopenhauer Open app
- Benjamin Franklin Open app
- Franz Kafka Open app
- Friedrich Nietzsche Open app
- Friedrich Schiller Open app
- Fyodor Dostoevsky Open app
- Galileo Galilei Open app
- Joseph Stalin Open app
- Julius Caesar Open app
- Lao Tzu Open app
- Leonardo Da Vinci Open app
- Marcus Aurelius Open app
- Marcus Tullius Cicero Open app
- Moliere Open app
- Napoleon Bonaparte Open app
- Niccolo Machiavelli Open app
- Oscar Wilde Open app
- Rene Descartes Open app
- Sigmund Freud Open app
- Thomas Edison Open app
- Voltaire Open app
- Winston Churchill Open app
- Abraham Lincoln Open app
- Adam Smith Open app
- Adolf Hitler Open app
- Albert Einstein Open app
- Alexander Graham Bell Open app
- Alexander The Great Open app
- Alfred Hitchcock Open app
- Andrew Carnegie Open app
- Arthur Conan Doyle Open app
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- Carl Jung Open app
- Charles Darwin Open app
- Charles Dickens Open app
- Charles Lindbergh Open app
- Charlie Chaplin Open app
- Confucius Open app
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- David Hume Open app
- Donald Trump Open app
- Dwight Eisenhower Open app
- Edgar Allan Poe Open app
- Elvis Presley Open app
- Fitzgerald Open app
- Francis Bacon Open app
- Franklin Roosevelt Open app
- George Orwell Open app
- George Washington Open app
- Harry Truman Open app
- Hegel Open app
- Henry Ford Open app
- Herodotus Open app
- Hippocrates Open app
- Homer Open app
- Immanuel Kant Open app
- Isaac Newton Open app
- James Madison Open app
- Jean Jacques Rousseau Open app
- Johann Goethe Open app
- John Adams Open app
- John Kennedy Open app
- John Lennon Open app
- John Rockefeller Open app
- Joseph Stalin Open app
- Julius Caesar Open app
- Karl Marx Open app
- Leo Tolstoy Open app
- Mahatma Gandhi Open app
- Malcolm X Open app
- Mao Zedong Open app
- Margaret Thatcher Open app
- Martin Luther Open app
- Martin Luther King Jr Open app
- Maximilien Robespierre Open app
- Michelangelo Open app
- Mother Teresa Open app
- Muhammad Ali Open app
- Nelson Mandela Open app
- Nicolaus Copernicus Open app
- Oliver Cromwell Open app
- Pablo Picasso Open app
- Pericles Open app
- Plato Open app
- Princess Diana Open app
- Pythagoras Open app
- Sophocles Open app
- Soren Kierkegaard Open app
- Stephen Hawking Open app
- Steve Jobs Open app
- Sun Tzu Open app
- Theodore Roosevelt Open app
- Thomas Aquinas Open app
- Thomas Jefferson Open app
- Thomas Paine Open app
- Virgil Open app
- Vladimir Putin Open app
- Walt Disney Open app
Useful articles:
Whose? question in Spanish
When? question in Spanish
Why? question in Spanish