Using this app, you can easily find any of 5000 most important Spanish words.
This dictionaray application is unique in the way, that you can search words by their translation or transliteration.
Full list of applications for learning Spanish, available on Spanish language page.
This application contains about 5000 most common Spanish words.
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This dictionaray application is unique in the way, that you can search words by their translation or transliteration.
Full list of applications for learning Spanish, available on Spanish language page.
This application contains about 5000 most common Spanish words.
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Please, use Chrome browser. Some features like voice and voice recording may not work in other browsers.
Application features:
- 5000 most common Spanish words;
- search by both English and Spanish input;
- high quality Spanish voices;
- freaquency list;
- app has two lighting modes: day and night.
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