Learn to speak foreign language fast and with fun
Speaking a foreign language is a skill.
Like swimming, riding a bicycle, dancing.
Therefore, it should be trained as a skill.
Features of learning the language according to TravelAndChat method
1. Contrasting skills with knowledge.
The so-called "knowledge of the language" is the possession of four skills:
- perception by ear;
Is translation bad?
According to the “Direct” or, as it is also called,
the “Natural” method of teaching foreign languages,
yes, translation is evil.
Rosetta Stone vs TravelAndChat
What is more effective Rosetta Stone or TravelAndChat?
Rosetta Stone is a highly advertised program designed to learn foreign languages.
The main mistakes in learning spoken foreign language
Mistake 1: Knowledge instead of skills.
In detail: Instead of training speaking skills, the grammar is studied,
the alphabet is studied, word lists are learned.
Forgetting curve and Spaced repetition
At the end of the 19th century, German psychologist German Ebbinghaus
developed the theory of the Forgetting Curve.
How to create language barrier
(The article is humorous we should strive to ensure
that students do not have a language barrier.
Magical number seven plus minus two
"The magical number seven, plus or minus two"
is one of the most cited works on psychology.
It tells us that a person can...
The minimum required number of words when learning a spoken foreign language
Under the studies of the Swedish polyglot and linguist E. Gunnemark,
the 80 most common words cover 50% of the everyday spoken vocabulary.
Learning foreign languages: skills versus knowledge
Knowledge or skill?
Does confrontation make sense?
In our opinion, totally.
The minimum amount of grammar required to master speaking skills
“Direct” and its predecessor “Natural” methods of
learning foreign languages claim that explicit
grammar study is not necessary.
The way of the polyglot. In what order to study foreign languages?
Wikipedia in Russian defines a polyglot as a person
who knows at least five languages from different language
groups or subgroups.
Foreign language and brain development. 7 amazing facts
We learn a foreign language when preparing for a trip
to another country, to obtain a good position,
to communicate with business partners...
How long takes to learn a foreign language?
This question is hard enough to answer because it is too vague.
First, we need to define the terms.